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          東南大學在職研究生 東南大學在職研究生聯系電話


           東南大學經濟管理學院成立于 1987年8月,歷史可以追溯到1917年,作為當時全國最早的商科高等教育馳名中外,現設有管理科學與工程、工商管理和應用經濟學3個學科研究中心,以及管理科學與工程系、國際經濟與貿易系、工商管理系、會計系、金融系、經濟學系、電子商務系和物流管理工程系等8個系,包含信息管理與信息系統、國際經濟與貿易、工商管理、財務與會計學、金融學、經濟學、電子商務、物流管理、金融工程等9個本科專業。全院現有專任教師 129人,其中教授33人、副教授54人。擁有華生等一大批知名學者,享受政府特殊津貼教授4名,入選教育部新世紀優秀人才8人,教育部高等學校專業教學指導委員會委員6人、副主任委員2人,國家優秀青年科學基金資助1人,江蘇省突出貢獻中青年專家1人,江蘇省“333”工程第二、三層次優秀人才6人,江蘇省青藍工程培養對象5人,江蘇省六大人才高峰培養對象1人,東南大學特聘教授4人、青年特聘教授1人,東南大學優秀青年教師教學科研資助計劃8人。經濟管理學院還聘請多名國內外著名的學者擔任客座教授和兼職教授。經濟管理學院有全日制在校本科生1400多人、碩士研究生580人、博士生280人,工商管理碩士(MBA)500余人。

              名譽院長:華  生

              院    長:趙林度    黨委書記:仲偉俊

              副 院 長:張玉林  舒  嘉  祝  虹(兼)

              黨委副書記:祝  虹

              院長助理:王海燕  劉曉星  邵  軍



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          Introduction of School of Economics and Management

          The School of Economics and Management, Southeast University was established in August 1987. Now the School has eight academic departments, and they are: Department of Management Science and Engineering, Department of International Economics and Trade, Department of Business Administration, Department of Finance, Department of Accounting, Department of Economics, and Department of Logistic Management Engineering and E-Business. The School offers two Ph.D programs including Management Science & Engineering and Systems Engineering together with the respective two post-doctoral programs. The School offers thirteen master’s degree programs including Management Science and Engineering, Systems Management, Systematical Analysis and Integration, International Economics and Business, Industrial Economics, Finance, Regional Economics, National Economics, Business Administration, Technical Economics and Management, Accounting, public administration and MBA. Also, the School offers eight undergraduate programs including Information Management and Information Systems, International Economics and Business, Business Administration, Accounting, Finance, Economics Electronic Business and Logistic Management. Now, the School is staffed with about 140 full-time faculty members, among whom are 30 full professors and nearly 40 associate professors. The School has total enrollment of more than 1,300 undergraduate students, 579 M.S students, 203 doctoral students, and about 600 MBA students. Now, the Dean of the School is Professor Zhao Lindu.

            The School of Economics and Management has an excellent faculty, modern teaching facilities and fine education traditions. Most of the teachers have a Ph.D or a master’s degree in relevant field. Many of them are not only good teachers who have solid theoretic basis but also experienced practitioners. They are increasingly aware of the importance of understanding the linkages between their research and the current situations of the country and some enterprises. They can combine theories with practice in the process of their teaching and always pursue both domestic and foreign academic frontiers. The School has a good tradition of maintaining active course development, attaching great importance in culturing students in all aspects, fostering pedagogical experimentation. In addition, the School offers an integrated array of electives that build on the 14 core courses for all undergraduate students of the School, thus the students that graduated from the School can adapt themselves to circumstances quickly because of the solid theoretic background, strong analytic abilities and a wide field of vision that they attain here. Students of the School ranked No.1 both in the National “Challenge Cup” Business Planning Competition and in the National MBA Management Contest. Many undergraduate students enter for the examination for graduate admission. Those who look for their jobs are welcomed by employers and 98% of them can find their job in one attempt. In addition, the School has enjoyed good cooperation relations with some business schools in USA, Australia, France, Germany, Korea, Hong Kong, Taiwan, etc. in many fields such as students/faculty exchange programs and joint scientific researches.

          The School of Economics and Management is always placing academic  construction in an important position and, in the meantime, driving the development of culturing students and scientific research. With the efforts for many years, the School of Economics and Management has grown up into a school covering Economics, Management, and Engineering with a complete and reasonable department structure and has formed its own department features and competitive  advantages.  As to scientific research, the school is committed to serving the  economic construction and aiming at solving the practical problems of the enterprises from all over the country during their economic development and operational management. Some research projects of the School such as CIMS Project of  Beijing No.1 Machine Tool Plant, Research on the Technical Competence of Cities and Counties in China, Comparative research on the Competitiveness of  Chinese Cities, and Research into Metropolitan Areas in East China and the World Manufacturing Base, Overall Planning of Logistic System of China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation (Sinopec) have made strong influences in the whole country. In resent years, the School has presided lots of research projects subsidized by National Natural Science Foundation of China, National Social Science Foundation of China, Ministry of Education of China, Ministry of Science and Technology of China and Jiangsu Province and has made fruitful research results of high academic level, which represent the frontier and directions of academic study.

          專業方向 所屬專業 學院 類型 班型 學制 學費 報名狀態
          國際貿易學 國際貿易學 經濟管理學院 <同等學力 周末班 2年 3.00萬 報名中
          會計學 會計學 經濟管理學院 <同等學力 周末班 2年 3.00萬 報名中
          企業管理 企業管理 經濟管理學院 <同等學力 周末班 2年 3.00萬 報名中
          金融碩士 金融 經濟管理學院 <專業碩士 周末班 2.5年 3.60萬 報名中
          會計碩士 會計 經濟管理學院 <專業碩士 周末班 2.5年 4.50萬 報名中
          會計 會計 經濟管理學院 <專業碩士 周末班 2年 3.60萬 報名中
          工程管理 工程管理 經濟管理學院 <專業碩士 周末班 2.5年 6.25萬 報名中
          工程管理 工程管理 經濟管理學院 <專業碩士 周末班 2年 3.60萬 報名中
          公共管理 工程管理 經濟管理學院 <專業碩士 周末班 2年 3.60萬 報名中
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